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Results of needs survey of Guria coastal settlements and tourists

In the framework of the project "Cooperation for the sustainable development of Guria coastal zone" in May 2016 the working groups of coastal settlements strategic plans in Grigoleti, tskaltsminda, Ureki and Natanebi (Shekvetili) have provided the needs questionnaire  of local community and tourists . There were surveyed 440 respondents.

The project "Cooperation for the sustainable development of Guria coastal zone" is financed in framework of Small Grants Program is supported by the project: "Regional and Local Development in Georgia" (RLD), which is implemented by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and funded by Swiss Cooperation Office for the South Caucasus (SCO) and Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC).


Grigoleti survey (Geo)

Tskaltsminda survey (Geo)

Ureki survey (Geo)

Natanebi survey (Geo)


Perspectives of coastal development

July 15 in the hotel "Villa Reta" of Grigoleti coastal village held the round table for Guria coastal settlements businessmen, Local Authority representatives and LIC management. On the theme "Prespectives of coastal development" spoke Professor Mr. Shukri Tavartkiladze. Director of project ""Cooperation for the sustainable development of Guria coastal zone" Mr. Amiran Gigineishvili represented the coastal community need assessment. Participants made the identification of local problems.

Read more: Perspectives of coastal development


Draft strategic development projects of Guria coastal settlements

There are published the draft projects of sustainable plans for strategic development of Guria coastal settlements. We are pleasure to receive the feedbacks  from any interested persons or organizations.

The project "Cooperation for the sustainable development of Guria coastal zone" is financed in framework of Small Grants Program is supported by the project: "Regional and Local Development in Georgia" (RLD), which is implemented by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and funded by Swiss Cooperation Office for the South Caucasus (SCO) and Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC).


Grigoleti planTskaltsminda plan,  Ureki plan,  Shekvetili plan



Draft implementation plans of the Guria coastal settlements development plans

There are published the draft implementation plans of the sustainable plans for strategic development of Guria coastal settlements. We are pleasure to receive the Feedback  from any interested persons or organizations.

The project "Cooperation for the sustainable development of Guria coastal zone" is financed in framework of Small Grants Program is supported by the project: "Regional and Local Development in Georgia" (RLD), which is implemented by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and funded by Swiss Cooperation Office for the South Caucasus (SCO) and Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC).

Grigoleti action plan (Geo)

Shekvetili action plan (Geo)

Tskaltsminda action plan (Geo)

Ureki action plan (Geo)



Draft project of Eco migrants strategy 2017-2021

published the Eco Migrants strategic  plan of Lanchkhuti Municipality. We are pleasure to receive the Feedback  from any interested persons or organizations.

The project "Improvement of conditions for Eco migrants and potential Eco migrants using participatory planning" is funded by the Institute of Democracy in the EU financial resources.

Download (Geo)


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